of Heat

Our Lungs



of Heat

Our Lungs



Our Story
CP Loh and his Korean wife, CP Park, who were both graduates of the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China, started Kang Won Herbal Tea and rebranded as KONTEA in 2020.
They providing a one-stop service which includes the preparation, brewing, and doorstep delivery of herbal tea, all personally handled by the duo.
Our Story
CP Loh and his Korean wife, CP Park, who were both graduates of the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China, started Kang Won Herbal Tea and rebranded as KONTEA in 2020.
They providing a one-stop service which includes the preparation, brewing, and doorstep delivery of herbal tea, all personally handled by the duo.
They noticed, soon after, a lack of knowledge in herbal tea amongst the masses, particularly the misinformation, improper consumption, and misconception surrounding herbal tea. Therefore, in December 2013, they started Kang Won Herbal Tea and rebranded as KONTEA in 2020, providing a one-stop service which includes the preparation, brewing, and doorstep delivery of herbal tea, all personally handled by the duo.
They noticed, soon after, a lack of knowledge in herbal tea amongst the masses, particularly the misinformation, improper consumption, and misconception surrounding herbal tea. Therefore, in December 2013, they started Kang Won Herbal Tea and rebranded as KONTEA in 2020, providing a one-stop service which includes the preparation, brewing, and doorstep delivery of herbal tea, all personally handled by the duo.
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Feel The Teaference
KONTEA has invented more than 30 types of herbal teas, 20 types of stews and 11 types of pastes that are mixtures of more than 50 types of herbs.
Our Customer Review
Customers' Reviews
罗医生是一位非常友善的医生。我的大部分家人都是卢医生照顾的病人。卢医生向我的痴呆症家人推荐了Tinic Paste(益肾膏),非常有帮助和有效。服用3个月后,患者反应灵敏,精力充沛。另一位患有出血病的家人,服用八珍膏两个月后,不再感到困倦和疲倦。对于我这个天天熬夜的人来说,养肝金方对于缓解疲劳和昏昏欲睡非常舒服,很有帮助。我很高兴也很高兴知道有一家中草药店和保健茶差可以从日常生活和保健中有效地治愈和镇静我们的身体。感谢罗博士和他的团队成员。 🙏❤️💯🎉😘
我偶然发现了这家令人惊叹的凉茶店,它将现代便利与中国传统设计融为一体。他们的即饮花草茶非常美味,让您可以在旅途中轻松享用。茶爱好者必去的地方! 😋
我偶然发现了这家令人惊叹的凉茶店,它将现代便利与中国传统设计融为一体。他们的即饮花草茶非常美味,让您可以在旅途中轻松享用。茶爱好者必去的地方! 😋