关于康园良茶 - 专业中医师所创建的凉茶品牌
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About Kontea

CP Loh and his Korean wife, CP Park, who were both graduates of the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China, first started a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Malaysia, which also serves as an herbal store as well as an herbal tea store.

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They noticed, soon after, a lack of knowledge in herbal tea amongst the masses, particularly the misinformation, improper consumption, and misconception surrounding herbal tea. Therefore, in December 2013, they started Kang Won Herbal Tea and rebranded as KONTEA in 2020, providing a one-stop service which includes the preparation, brewing, and doorstep delivery of herbal tea, all personally handled by the duo.
CP Loh believes that most of the misconception towards herbal tea are the main contributor to their seemingly slow and insignificant medicinal effect. The public has been long accustomed to the common effects of herbal tea, such as eliminating “excessive heat” and “heaty-ness”, however there are many other herbal teas with a wide range of medicinal benefits that are not commonly known, such as the Calming Tea which improves insomnia. There are also some herbal teas that can be consumed daily even without signs or symptoms. KONTEA staff are carefully trained to understand customers’ body condition and symptoms, thus providing professional advice and services to customers.
CP Loh believes that most of the misconception towards herbal tea are the main contributor to their seemingly slow and insignificant medicinal effect. The public has been long accustomed to the common effects of herbal tea, such as eliminating “excessive heat” and “heaty-ness”, however there are many other herbal teas with a wide range of medicinal benefits that are not commonly known, such as the Calming Tea which improves insomnia. There are also some herbal teas that can be consumed daily even without signs or symptoms. KONTEA staff are carefully trained to understand customers’ body condition and symptoms, thus providing professional advice and services to customers.
KONTEA is created with the concept of a modern café in mind, aiming to create a lifestyle centered around traditional health drinks, i.e. the herbal tea. KONTEA serves herbal tea using fine Korean ceramic tea sets, which not only greatly enhances the tea-drinking experience, but also redefines the perception of the public towards herbal tea, making it a more tempting and trendy choice for gatherings amongst the younger generations.


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KONTEA has invented more than 30 types of herbal teas, 20 types of stews and 11 types of pastes that are mixtures of more than 50 types of herbs. KONTEA is also planning to launch traditional pastry sets to complement herbal teas, which will create a new high tea dining experience in an herbal tea shop. As CP Loh fondly said:

凉茶是饮料的一种,能喝得很专业,也能喝得很休闲,既养生又时尚。关键在于 喝对凉茶。

Herbal tea is a beverage that can be both a professional and leisurely experience, at the same time stylish and healthful –
if it’s the right herbal tea.

Which type of herbal tea is right for you?

Consuming the right herbal tea will help relieve your body discomfort with added health benefits.