【做个女“强”人】了解经前综合症(PMS)| 症状 | 中醫角度 | 如何缓解
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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) | Symptoms | How to Relieve | TCM Perspective

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a series of physical and emotional symptoms that many women experience in the days leading up to their menstrual period. These symptoms can include mood swings, fatigue, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, and changes in appetite. But why do these symptoms occur? From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the causes of PMS may be related to imbalances in Qi and blood, liver Qi stagnation, and spleen and stomach weakness. By regulating Qi and blood, soothing the liver, and strengthening the spleen and stomach through TCM treatments, these symptoms can be effectively alleviated. Understanding these methods can help women better manage PMS, boost their confidence, and become strong and self-assured individuals.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) | Symptoms | How to Relieve | TCM Perspective

At Kang Won Herbalist, our philosophy, as upheld by Mr. L, is to internally adjust while taking the pulse and listen to the body's signals, enabling us to understand the messages your body is sending us. Through this approach, we not only listen to the body's signals, but we can also assist you in addressing health issues and psychological conditions, providing a more precise diagnosis and tailored treatment plan for you.
Our traditional Chinese medicine practitioners possess extensive professional knowledge and experience, specializing in complex cases of cough, skin eczema, dizziness, gastric problems, and infertility. They can accurately diagnose patients' symptoms and the root causes of their illnesses, creating personalized traditional Chinese medicine treatment plans. These may include herbal therapies, acupuncture, dietary recommendations, and comprehensive adjustments, all designed to alleviate symptoms, promote recovery, and enhance quality of life.

What is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)?

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) refers to the symptoms that occur 2 to 14 days before the start of menstruation. These symptoms include bloating, lower back pain, mood swings, breast tenderness, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, and depression. Most women report that these symptoms last for about 7 days each month. Similar to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), some women experience these symptoms throughout the entire month, with increased severity right before their period. The unpredictability and intermittent nature of these symptoms can cause significant distress and uncertainty for many women.

Symptoms of PMS

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), we place great importance on the different stages of women’s life - "menstruation, leucorrhea, pregnancy, and childbirth," with menstruation being the foremost. Menstruation can directly reflect the functional state of a woman's organs, meridians, and qi and blood. Therefore, Dr. Kangyuan advises women to always monitor their menstrual health and address any abnormalities promptly. Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of PMS:

Emotional and Behavioral Signs and Symptoms

  1. Tension or anxiety
  2. Depressed mood
  3. Crying spells
  4. Mood swings and irritability
  5. Changes in appetite and food cravings
  6. Difficulty falling asleep (insomnia)
  7. Social withdrawal
  8. Trouble concentrating
  9. Changes in sexual desire

Physical Signs and Symptoms

  1. Joint or muscle pain
  2. Headache
  3. Exhaustion
  4. Weight gain related to fluid retention
  5. Bloating
  6. Breast tenderness (including nipple or breast soreness)
  7. Acne flare-ups
  8. Constipation or diarrhea
  9. Alcohol intolerance
The severity and duration of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) vary from person to person. Most women find that their signs and symptoms disappear within four days after the start of their menstrual period. However, a small number of women experience debilitating symptoms every month. This severe form of PMS is known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). The signs and symptoms of PMDD include depression, mood swings, anger, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and tension.

TCM Perspective on PMS

From the perspective of TCM, women who experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) often suffer from blood deficiency, with more severe symptoms correlating with greater blood deficiency. Here are the primary TCM syndromes and symptoms associated with PMS as compiled by Kang Won TCM practitioners:
  1. Liver Qi Stagnation
    Irregular menstrual cycles, varying amounts of menstrual flow, dark red colour with small clots, chest tightness and breast tenderness before menstruation, abdominal bloating and pain, irritability and anger, red tongue with a white or yellow coating, thready wiry pulse.
  2. Blood Deficiency and Liver Hyperactivity
    Short menstrual cycles, heavier flow with red colour with small clots. Dizziness, headaches, irritability, insomnia and lower back pain before menstruation. Slightly red tongue, thready wiry pulse.
  3. Spleen and Kidney Deficiency
    Longer menstrual cycles, lighter flow, pale red colour with no clots. Generalized swelling, abdominal bloating, loose stools, fatigue before menstruation. Pale tongue with white coating, thready moderate pulse.
  4. Qi and Blood Deficiency
    Longer menstrual cycles, varying amounts of flow, pale red colour with no clots. Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, reluctance to speak, pale complexion and poor appetite before menstruation. Pale tongue with thin white coating, thready weak pulse.

How to Relieve PMS

Based on your symptoms, it is recommended to consult our TCM practitioner to understand the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your constitution and symptoms. This will help to maximize symptom relief and recovery. In daily life, the following measures should be taken to prevent and alleviate premenstrual syndrome (PMS):
  1. Maintain healthy sleep habits and lifestyle such as avoid excessive fatigue and reduce work and life stress before menstruation and Try activities that relax the body and mind, such as aromatherapy, meditation, and massage to promote sleep quality.
  2. Adopt a low-salt & low-sugar diet, avoid stimulants such as coffee, strong tea, alcohol, and cold foods.
  3. Increase intake of foods rich in Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6 - Such as fish, meat, eggs, bananas, black sesame, and dark green vegetables.

  4. Engage in appropriate exercises like aerobic exercise, walking, jogging, and swimming can help relieve symptoms.

  5. Hot foot baths really help too - if you feel chest tightness and abdominal bloating before menstruation, soak your feet in hot water for 15 minutes daily, preferably up to the calves for a better effect.

  6. Massage acupoints to improve PMS symptoms - It’s suggested to massage each acupoint for 1 to 2 minutes until you feel a sore sensation:

    Neiguan (内关穴): Located on the inner forearm, three finger widths above the wrist crease

    Taichong (太冲穴): Located on the top of the foot, in the depression between the first and second metatarsal bones

    Sanyinjiao (三阴交穴): Located on the inner side of the lower leg, four finger widths above the inner ankle bone

    Zusanli (足三里穴): Sitting with feet flat on the ground and knees bent at a 90-degree angle, located four finger widths below the outer knee

    Yinlingquan (阴陵泉穴): Located on the inner lower leg, in the depression below the inner knee

Kontea Recommendation Products

Kontea 八珍膏 Eight Treasure Herbal Paste

“Eight Treasures” Paste

Effects: Nourishes Qi and blood, provides pain relief and regulates menstruation. At the same time calms the heart and lifts the spirit, and warms the woman's uterine and helps in pregnancy.
Suitable for: Sallow complexion, easily fatigued, chills, leucorrhoea (whitish or yellowish discharge), frequent farting, loss of appetite, dizziness caused by external factors, over-production of menstrual blood, frequent headaches. Also great for hand eczema, dry skin, constipation caused by blood deficiency, dry hair, and hair loss.

Kontea 月信宁膏 Menstrual Relieft Paste

Menstrual Relief Paste

Effects:Motherwort has great medicinal properties in gynaecology. It promotes healthy blood circulation and eases menstruation, relieves pain, eliminate lochia and menstrual cramps as well as postpartum dizziness.
Suitable for:Women with irregular periods, menstrual pains, menopause, and postpartum lochia discharge.

Youth & Radiance Soup

Effects: Tuber fleeceflower has visible effects on slowing the ageing process, and it can also improve the nervous system and promote livelihood. It keeps the blood and cells healthy, and prevents anemic dizziness. Chinese Angelica, Solomon seal rhizome, and Huang Qi work to nourish the blood, which promotes a healthy, rosy, and radiant complexion.
Suitable for:Dull and sallow complexion, frequent hair fall, dry and itchy skin, and fatigue.

Kang Won Herbalist TCM - Specialize in TCM Gynecology

Kang Won Herbalist Chinese medicine practitioner have years of clinical experience, with our primary specialization being in TCM Gynecology. Please feel free to consult our TCM Practitioners or our staff either at our shop (OUG branch or Bangsar branch) or explore more about Kontea's quality products. Our TCM Practioner and staff can tailor treatment plans and product recommendations based on your specific symptoms and health condition.
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