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Understand Herbal Paste - Learn How to Utilize Herbal Paste for Maintaining Body Wellness

"Chinese Herbal Paste," also known as medicinal paste, is a type of medication with a thick and sweet taste, presenting a traditional form among the eight traditional forms of Chinese medicine. The origin of Chinese Herbal Paste can be traced back to the ancient practice of "medicine and food sharing the same origin." Traditional Chinese medical texts, such as the "Inner Canon," document some ointment formulations, including those utilizing animal fats like horse grease and pig lard. As we move into the Ming and Qing dynasties, the use of Herbal Paste became more prevalent, with an increase in the variety of ingredients, giving rise to well-known formulations such as Liangyi Paste, Ginseng Paste, and Tonic Paste.

When formulating Chinese Herbal Paste, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes a personalized approach based on the differentiation of symptoms and the individual constitution of the person taking it. Physicians create a formula suitable for making the paste by considering the characteristics of the person and the nature of their ailment. The selection of medicinal herbs for Chinese Herbal Paste differs from that of typical decoctions, with a preference for more valuable and refined medicinal ingredients. At Kang Won Herbalists, our physicians have formulated 15 varieties of Chinese Herbal Paste, leveraging their rich knowledge and using high-quality ingredients to address common symptoms.

Understand Herbal Paste - Learn How to Utilize Herbal Paste for Maintaining Body Wellness

The reason for the founding of Kontea is to raise awareness among Malaysians about herbal teas and to correct the habit of indiscriminate consumption. At Kontea, our goal is to recommend herbal teas that are more suitable for your specific symptoms and constitution. All the herbal teas we provide are personally prepared and brewed to ensure their effectiveness and freshness. In addition to traditional herbal teas, we also offer other options, including herbal tea bags and herbal pastes, allowing you to find what’s most suitable for you.

Learn how to utilize herbal paste for maintaining body wellness

When applying Chinese Herbal Paste, it is essential to consider that it tends to be greasy and may easily stagnate the spleen, particularly in individuals whose constitution is not well-suited to it. For such cases, a preliminary regimen, known as "opening the path," is recommended. This involves regulating the spleen and stomach, resolving dampness, and improving the digestive function of the spleen to facilitate the absorption of the ointment. Observation of the patient's reaction to the medication is crucial, and based on their response and constitution, adjustments to the dosage and herbs may be made. The opening-the-path regimen typically lasts around 1 to 2 weeks. Once the patient's overall condition improves, and they adapt well to the prescribed medication, they can then commence the use of Chinese Herbal Paste for preventive or therapeutic purposes.

Suitable For

Due to the longer duration of Chinese Herbal Paste treatment, it is more suitable for the following groups of people:
  1. Individuals in a sub-healthy state.
  2. Those with stable chronic diseases seek to enhance their constitution and consolidate therapeutic effects.
  3. Individuals who are extremely weakened post-surgery, post-bleeding, or post-severe illness, especially after childbirth.

Usage instructions

When taking Chinese Herbal Paste for the first time, start with a small dose and gradually increase it. Take it once in the morning and once in the evening, consuming 15–20 grams each time. Dissolve it in hot water and take it on an empty stomach. Generally, it may take at least 2–3 months for the effects to become noticeable.

Important Notice

It is important to note that the following individuals should avoid taking Chinese Herbal Paste:

  1. Patients with chronic diseases during acute exacerbations, acute infectious diseases, or during the acute and active phases of contagious diseases.
  2. Pregnant women, especially within the first three months of pregnancy.
  3. Individuals experiencing acute illnesses such as cold, fever, diarrhea, and digestive discomfort during the period of taking Chinese Herbal Paste are advised to discontinue until recovery before resuming.
  4. Patients with acute exacerbation of chronic diseases, those with excessive dampness, and those with internal heat toxicity.

The process of making Chinese Herbal Paste

Did you know? The process of making Chinese Herbal Paste is very meticulous and cannot be careless. Each Chinese Herbal Paste from Kang Won Herbalist must undergo a strict review process to ensure the quality of the Chinese Herbal Paste.

  1. Prescription Preparation
    Kang Won Herbalist designs well-crafted Chinese Herbal Paste prescriptions tailored to the common health concerns of modern individuals. The prescription typically consists of 40 to 50 high-quality, sulfur-free Chinese medicinal herbs, ensuring the quality and efficacy of each Chinese Herbal Paste.
  2. Herb Soaking
    The well-matched Chinese herbs cannot be immediately decocted; they need to be soaked in cold water. To ensure the full release of effective ingredients from the herbs, soaking is usually done for at least 12 hours.
  3. Herb Decoction
    After soaking, the herbs are ready for decoction, a crucial step in making Chinese Herbal Paste. The herbs are decocted with the right intensity of heat, and the liquid is filtered. This process is repeated twice. In the extraction step, a steam-interlayer pot is used to ensure even heating and thorough purification. Before making the paste, all Chinese herbs need to go through two rounds of decoction, with repeated filtering to extract the liquid.
  4. Herb Concentration
    The Chinese medicinal liquid obtained through decoction, after settling and filtering to remove sediment, is first brought to a boil to remove foam and then slowly evaporated over low heat to reduce the water content. Stirring is done continuously during this process to prevent scorching.
  5. Collect Paste
    After gentle heating, when the medicinal liquid has condensed to near the desired thickness, it is continuously stirred until it reaches the appropriate viscosity, and the paste is formed!
  6. Packaging
    After the paste is collected, it is poured into Kang Won Herbalist’s exquisite canned packaging while still hot.
  7. Quality Inspection
    The freshly made Chinese Herbal Paste is not the final product; Kang Won Herbalist conducts a thorough inspection. Products with burnt residues or below-standard weight will be eliminated.
  8. Cooling
    Qualified Chinese Herbal Paste will be transported to a drying room, and left uncovered for 24 hours. This step ensures that the Chinese Herbal Paste is dried in a cool and dry environment, ensuring its quality.

Traditional Herbal Decoction vs. Medicated Paste: The Best Choice

At Kang Won Herbalist, our TCM practitioners are often asked by patients in the clinic which is better, but from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there is no definitive answer. The choice depends on the specific conditions of the patient, selecting the most suitable dosage form for the current situation. For example, if a patient needs a treatment that takes effect in the short term, herbal decoctions have a relatively rapid onset of efficacy. Moreover, adjustments can be made promptly based on changes in the patient's condition, making decoctions a suitable choice for treating acute symptoms.

Recommendation: Kontea Top 3 Best Seller Herbal Paste

In order to fit into the busy lives of people in this modern day and age, KONTEA has developed 11 types of pastes, each brewed with over 50 types of Chinese medicinal herbs to keep your body healthy and strong.
Kontea 八珍膏 Eight Treasure Herbal Paste

Eight Treasures Paste

Effects:Nourishes chi and blood, provides pain relief and regulates menstruation. At the same time calms the heart and lifts the spirit, and warm the woman's uterine and help in pregnancy.
Suitable for:Sallow complexion, easily fatigued, chills, leucorrhoea (whitish or yellowish discharge), frequent farting, loss of appetite, dizziness caused by external factors, over-production of menstrual blood, frequent headaches. Also great for hand eczema, dry skin, constipation caused by blood deficiency, dry hair, and hair loss.

Kontea 固元膏 Vitality Herbal Paste

Vitality Paste

Effects:Increases vitality and detoxes. Protects the liver, decreases stress, improves blood circulation, Improves allergic constitution, prevents fatigue, improves vitality and Strengthen Immune System.
Suitable for:Commonly recommended for children or the elderly, bad appetite, bloating, stomach pains, frequent fever, sinus, sweating, and fatigue. Enuresis in children, bad digestion, diarrhea, stool with undigested food scraps.

Kontea 宁肺膏 Lung Soothing Herbal Paste

Lung Soother Paste

Effects:Tangerines and asters can moisten the lungs and stop coughing, coltsfoot is especially effective against long coughs, and all three with the mildly sweet Chinese almonds result in a paste effective in soothing coughs and reducing phlegm.
Suitable for:Coughing, sore throat, sinus, phlegm (no matter the colour).

Welcome to inquire about herbal paste at Kontea OUG or Bangsar. Our Kontea physicians can tailor advice based on your specific symptoms, allowing us to better understand your situation and recommend suitable treatment plans or herbal paste formulas based on your body condition and symptoms.

Feel The Teaference

Kontea Products

KONTEA has invented more than 30 types of herbal teas, 20 types of stews and 11 types of pastes that are mixtures of more than 50 types of herbs.
Professional Service

TCM Services

Graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China, we are licensed Chinese medicine practitioners who provides professional Chinese medicine services. We approach each patient's case from their perspective, attentively listening and analyzing their physical condition.

Which type of herbal tea is right for you?

Consuming the right herbal tea will help relieve your body discomfort with added health benefits.