【做个女“强”人】发胖、月經不順?有可能是荷爾蒙失調!了解其原因 | 症状 | 中医角度
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Hormone Imbalance - Understand its Symptoms | Causes | TCM

Most of the time, what women go through is not understood and overlooked by others, especially during their monthly cycles, and as they age, they are more likely to be misunderstood as being caused by hormone or endocrine imbalances. Therefore, women not only frequently face issues related to physiological factors but also have to deal with the psychological pressure brought by various doubts. Today, let Kang Won TCM practitioner speak up for her female counterparts and help everyone understand what hormone imbalance is.

What does hormone imbalance mean? Is it the same as endocrine imbalance? What symptoms will we face and how should we deal with them? If I start gaining weight and my menstrual cycle becomes irregular, does it mean there's a problem with my hormones? Don't worry, let's address each of these questions one by one together.

Hormance Imbalance - Kontea Article

Hormone Imbalance - Understand its Symptoms | Causes | TCM

At Kang Won Herbalist, our philosophy, as upheld by Mr. L, is to internally adjust while taking the pulse and listen to the body's signals, enabling us to understand the messages your body is sending us. Through this approach, we not only listen to the body's signals, but we can also assist you in addressing health issues and psychological conditions, providing a more precise diagnosis and tailored treatment plan for you.
Our traditional Chinese medicine practitioners possess extensive professional knowledge and experience, specializing in complex cases of cough, skin eczema, dizziness, gastric problems, and infertility. They can accurately diagnose patients' symptoms and the root causes of their illnesses, creating personalized traditional Chinese medicine treatment plans. These may include herbal therapies, acupuncture, dietary recommendations, and comprehensive adjustments, all designed to alleviate symptoms, promote recovery, and enhance quality of life.

Hormone Imbalance vs Endocrine Imbalance

Hormones (also known as chemical messengers) are chemical substances responsible for transmitting messages between organs, and they are produced by endocrine glands. Therefore, we can also understand endocrine imbalance and hormone imbalance as the same thing. The human body regulates metabolism and physiological functions through various hormones (or messengers) and the nervous system within the endocrine system. Our endocrine system consists of endocrine glands, dispersed endocrine cells, and the hormones they secrete, participating in the regulation of metabolism, growth and development, reproductive ageing, and many other physiological activities and life phenomena. Together with various enzymes (bioenzymes), they maintain the relative stability of the internal environment of the body to adapt to complex and changing internal and external changes.

Hormone secretion follows its own rhythm, influenced by factors such as seasonal changes, day-night alternation, sleep, diet, and stress. To adapt to these changes, the hormone feedback regulation system also forms corresponding rhythms. When there is a disturbance in the body's endocrine system, and a certain hormone level becomes abnormal (either excessive or deficient), it will cause endocrine imbalance (the body's original rhythm is disrupted), and various symptoms will follow. Since hormones are secreted by the endocrine system, hormone imbalance is equivalent to endocrine imbalance. When the body's endocrine system is disrupted, various signs and symptoms will appear, especially in women, where these symptoms are relatively more pronounced.

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

After understanding the hormonal changes in women's bodies under normal healthy conditions, let's take a look at the symptoms that may occur when experiencing hormonal imbalances:

  1. Menstrual Irregularity
    The most common symptoms in women are menstrual irregularities (amenorrhea, delayed menstruation, irregular menstruation, scanty menstruation, etc.), which indirectly affect the menstrual cycle. It may also lead to infertility issues.
  2. Excessive body hair growth
    If women have excessive secretion of male hormones, it may lead to symptoms of hirsutism. Body hair may appear on the lips, chest, abdominal midline, lower legs, toes, etc.
  3. Weight gain
    Dietary habits such as high-calorie, high-fat foods, and lack of attention to dietary balance can also affect hormone secretion. Therefore, endocrinologists also point out that excessive obesity is likely a manifestation of hormonal imbalance.
  4. Changes in breast tissue
    Disorders in estrogen endocrine imbalance in women can cause changes in breast density, leading to breast swelling, breast hyperplasia, and other issues.
  5. Gynaecological disorders
    Endocrine disorders in gynaecology are very common, including endometriosis, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders, etc. Some breast diseases are also related to hormonal imbalances.
  6. Mood swings
    Various hormones in the body affect emotions, such as estrogen, thyroid hormone, and adrenal hormone. After menopause, the estrogen levels in women gradually decrease, which may lead to feelings of depression, irritability, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating.
  7. Acne
    Hormonal imbalance can lead to excessive secretion of sebum, increasing the chance of pore blockage. Coupled with excessive keratin blocking the pore openings, hormonal acne forms. It usually appears on the forehead, cheeks, and chin, often red and swollen, accompanied by pain, and rarely has pustules.
  8. Poor sleep quality
    Hormonal imbalance can lead to insufficient secretion of melatonin, resulting in insomnia or insufficient sleep, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and even symptoms of discomfort that may affect daily work and life.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance

The main factors causing hormonal imbalance can be divided into four categories:

  1. Environment
    Seasonal changes and rapid climate changes can affect endocrine function. Additionally, environmental pollution is also a significant cause of endocrine disorders. Chemical substances in the air can enter the body and cause endocrine disruption through a series of chemical reactions. For example, excessive intake of exogenous estrogen can lead to menstrual cycle disorders in women.
  2. Physiology
    The body's endocrine glands have self-regulating functions to maintain dynamic physiological balance. However, these regulatory functions decline with age, leading to endocrine disorders. Some people's endocrine disorders are hereditary. Almost all pituitary hormone rhythms are related to sleep-wake cycles. Therefore, people who experience insomnia, stay up late for long periods, or have disrupted sleep-wake cycles are prone to endocrine disorders.
  3. Emotions
    Psychological factors have a significant impact on endocrine function. Under the influence of work, life, family, and other pressures, the nervous system is in a tense state. Abnormal emotional changes can lead to hormonal imbalances and cause endocrine disorders. Women are particularly sensitive, and unstable emotions, such as depression, irritability, anger, and excessive worry, can disrupt Qi and blood circulation, making them more prone to hormonal imbalance.
  4. Nutrition
    To maintain normal physiological function, the body needs adequate and appropriate nutrition. Otherwise, endocrine problems may occur. Some people stop eating rice, meat, or even dairy products in an attempt to lose weight, only consuming fruits or weight-loss pills. Long-term hunger leads to malnutrition, pituitary dysfunction, inadequate secretion of gonadotropins, and degeneration of reproductive organs such as the ovaries, leading to endocrine disorders. In addition, if you are taking medication for a long time, you should also be aware that some drugs can affect hormone levels. For example, birth control pills contain a large amount of hormones, and long-term use of short-acting contraceptives can lead to excessive hormone intake, affecting the normal function of the ovaries and disrupting hormonal balance, leading to menstrual problems.

How to Improve Hormone Imbalance

In dealing with these symptoms, women should prioritize timely body care to ensure their health and well-being. Now, let Kang Won TCM practitioner share with you on how to manage the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in daily life:
  1. Diet and Exercise
    Diet and exercise are also crucial for regulating hormones, complemented by medication when necessary. Kang Won TCM practitioner recommends adopting good dietary habits, such as consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, high-protein foods, and drinking plenty of water to replenish the body's hydration needs. Additionally, engaging in appropriate exercise can enhance physical fitness. You can choose suitable exercises based on your own needs, such as running, practising Tai Chi, or playing badminton.

    In terms of food selection, include more green vegetables like broccoli, lettuce, and celery, which have beneficial effects on the kidneys, liver, and spleen. Opt for foods rich in calcium and vitamin B, such as milk, soybeans, seaweed, grapes, walnuts, chestnuts, legumes, and nuts, to help maintain hormonal balance. Incorporate protein-rich foods like fish and tofu into your diet to support the balance of the endocrine system. Maintain a balanced diet and avoid excessive dieting is the key to maintaining your good health.

  2. Regulate Sleep Schedule

    Adequate sleep is essential for normal endocrine function. Therefore, it is important to avoid staying up late as much as possible. In addressing the hormonal imbalance, regulating your daily routine and ensuring sufficient sleep is paramount. Start by reducing late nights and gradually eliminating them. Studies have shown that people with irregular daily routines tend to age faster, and their skin and overall health may suffer some damage.

  3. Maintain Emotional Balance
    Maintaining a balanced mindset and adopting an optimistic and positive attitude towards life are essential. Emotional instability and life stressors can exacerbate hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is crucial to manage your emotions and stress levels. You can choose to confide in family and friends or spend time on hobbies to release negative energy and absorb positive energy. Research conducted by Japanese scientists has shown that being in love significantly promotes the secretion of female hormones. Therefore, women can create a sense of romance for themselves amidst their busy lives by occasionally going out on dates, travelling, or simply enjoying a meal with a partner.

    In dealing with hormonal imbalance, the first thing to do is to relax and begin taking care of your body As early as you can. Kang Won TCM practitioner recommends seeking consultation as soon as symptoms of hormonal imbalance are noticed. With years of clinical experience, Kang Won TCM practitioner specializes in TCM gynecology. He advocates combining traditional Chinese medical methods to emphasize the balance of Qi, blood, Yin, and Yang in the body, promote self-healing, and improve overall female health. After understanding your symptoms, we will provide the most suitable treatment plan based on your constitution and condition.

Kang Won Herbalist TCM - Specialize in TCM Gynecology

Kang Won Herbalist Chinese medicine practitioner have years of clinical experience, with our primary specialization being in TCM Gynecology. Please feel free to consult our TCM Practitioners or our staff either at our shop (OUG branch or Bangsar branch) or explore more about Kontea's quality products. Our TCM Practioner and staff can tailor treatment plans and product recommendations based on your specific symptoms and health condition.
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