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Five Flower Tea: Benefits, Ingredients, Cooking Methods and More

Five-Flower Tea is a type of herbal tea, which are known for having an excellent heat-clearing effect. Compared to other herbal teas, its floral scent with a hint of sweetness is what makes it a popular choice for many as a remedy for reducing internal heat. So, how much do you know about Five-Flower Tea?

Ingredients of Five-Flower Tea

Five-Flower Tea is a common type of herbal tea, as the name suggests, it is made primarily from five types of flowers. Generally, its basic ingredients include chrysanthemum, sophora flower buds, honeysuckle, cottonrose hibiscus, and cape jasmine. However, sometimes these ingredients may be adjusted depending on the individual's constitution. Therefore, some people may choose to replace some of these ingredients with roses or globe amaranths to suit their taste and health needs.

Five Flower Tea: Benefits, Ingredients, Cooking Methods and More

The reason for the founding of Kontea is to raise awareness among Malaysians about herbal teas and to correct the habit of indiscriminate consumption. At Kontea, our goal is to recommend herbal teas that are more suitable for your specific symptoms and constitution. All the herbal teas we provide are personally prepared and brewed to ensure their effectiveness and freshness. In addition to traditional herbal teas, we also offer other options, including herbal tea bags and herbal pastes, allowing you to find what’s most suitable for you.

Benefits of Five Flower Tea

Main Effect - Clearing heat and dampness

The effect of Five-Flower Tea in dispelling dampness is particularly remarkable, making it especially suitable for those who often consume greasy and oily foods. It also helps to clear dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach, relieve sticky stools, bad breath & acne, and has a preventive effect against the flu.

Supports Organ Health

Five-Flower Tea is a comprehensive tea for nourishing the five internal organs. It helps protect the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, providing nourishment and care to these vital organs, thereby maintaining overall health.

Chronic Hepatitis and Intestinal Diseases

Regular consumption of Five-Flower Tea has preventive and adjunctive therapeutic effects for chronic hepatitis and intestinal diseases. Its natural ingredients help alleviate symptoms of these chronic conditions.

Liver Soothing and Blood Pressure Reduction

Five-Flower Tea exhibits significant liver soothing and blood pressure-reducing effects, which can alleviate hypertension and oedema. This helps maintain blood pressure levels and fluid balance in the body.

Cardiovascular Health

Five Flower Tea offers multiple benefits to the cardiovascular system, including lowering blood lipids, increasing coronary artery blood flow, promoting myocardial blood supply, and combating atherosclerosis. This contributes to maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

Through the aforementioned multiple effects, Five Flower Tea effectively prevents cardiovascular diseases and significantly benefits conditions such as hypertension and myocardial infarction. Long-term consumption can help maintain the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

Preparation of Five Flower Tea

When purchasing Five Flower Tea, you can consult a TCM practitioner to prescribe the most suitable formula based on your constitution. Here's how to prepare Five Flower Tea:
  1. Soak the Five Flower Tea in clean water for about 5 minutes.
  2. Put the soaked Five Flower Tea into a pot and add an appropriate amount of water (recommended 3 to 4 litres).
  3. Boil for 5 minutes over high heat, then simmer over low heat for 40 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Finally, if desired, add an appropriate amount of honey to the brewed Five-Flower Tea, stir well, and enjoy.

When to drink and not drink Five-Flower Tea?

Due to differences in individual constitutions, Five-Flower Tea is not suitable for everyone. When deciding whether to drink Five Flower Tea regularly, you need to consider the hot or cold nature of your constitution.If you have a hot constitution, characterized by warm hands and feet, you can drink Five Flower Tea on a regular basis and reap its full benefits, especially its heat-clearing and heat-relieving effects, which are particularly suitable for you.

However,if you have a cold constitution, characterized by cold hands and feet, aversion to cold drinks, and frequent dizziness, excessive consumption of Five Flower Tea may increase internal cold and lead to discomfort or even symptoms like dizziness. In such cases, it is advisable to reduce the intake of Five Flower Tea or choose other teas suitable for a cold constitution.

In addition, Five-Flower Tea are also not recommended for the following groups:

  1. Pollen Allergy Sufferers
    People allergic to pollen are advised to avoid drinking flower tea to prevent potential allergic reactions.
  2. Pregnant Women
    Pregnant women are advised to avoid drinking Five Flower Tea, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, as the caffeine and theophylline in tea leaves may affect the formation of the fetal nervous system. Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, pregnant women can drink light tea in moderation. Pregnant women with a robust metabolism and a tendency towards heat can drink some herbal teas with cooling effects under the TCM practitioner’s advice and supervision; while those with weak constitutions, especially those experiencing severe pregnancy symptoms, should drink some warm teas appropriately. It is recommended to consult a TCM practitioner to choose the most suitable tea drink based on your own situation.
  3. Menstrual Period
    The cold nature of Five Flower Tea is not conducive to the weakened physical condition of women during menstruation, which may lead to problems such as blood stasis, irregular menstruation, and dysmenorrhea. It is recommended that you should choose suitable flower tea based on your own conditions when drinking flower tea during menstruation, to avoid affecting normal menstruation and causing unnecessary harm to the body.
  4. Individuals with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency or Renal Insufficiency, and Diabetics
    Five Flower Tea is a heat-relieving beverage and is not suitable for those with spleen and stomach deficiency or renal insufficiency, as well as diabetics.
  5. Individuals with Severe Chronic Diseases
    Those with a history of chronic diseases such as chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease, as well as those with severe chronic diseases, should take Five Flower Tea under the guidance of a TCM practitioner to avoid discomfort.

Recommended Kontea Products

At Kang Won Herbalist, we offer a variety of products for you to choose from, allowing you to select the most suitable product based on your individual health status, symptoms, and preferences:
Kontea 五花茶 Five Flower Tea

Five-Flower Tea

Effects:It’s able to eliminate dampness in the stomach and the bowel, reduce the risk of influenza, and help prevention of Hepatitis and various bowel diseases.
Suitable for: Individuals with Itchy skin, yellowish sweat, body odour, sticky stool.

Five-Flower Tea

Effects: It’s able to eliminate dampness in the stomach and the bowel, reduce the risk of influenza, and help prevention of Hepatitis and various bowel diseases.
Suitable for: People who are having itchy skin, yellowish sweat, body odour, sticky stool and pee with blood.

In general, dietary health needs vary from person to person. It is essential to adjust dietary habits according to individual constitution to ensure the body receives the most appropriate nourishment. In case of any health conditions or concerns, it is advisable to consult with Kang Won Herbalist TCM practitioner to recuperate your health.

Feel The Teaference

Kontea Products

KONTEA has invented more than 30 types of herbal teas, 20 types of stews and 11 types of pastes that are mixtures of more than 50 types of herbs.
Professional Service

TCM Services

Graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China, we are licensed Chinese medicine practitioners who provides professional Chinese medicine services. We approach each patient's case from their perspective, attentively listening and analyzing their physical condition.

Which type of herbal tea is right for you?

Consuming the right herbal tea will help relieve your body discomfort with added health benefits.