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Explore the Benefits of Ginseng Roots | Cooking Tips | Precautions

We are here today to provide you with more information about American Ginseng, also known as American ginseng root, and commonly referred to as star-flag ginseng, Western ginseng, American wild ginseng, or pàoshēn(泡参). American Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Araliaceae family. The main root is round or spindle-shaped, with a surface that is light yellow or yellowish-white, exhibiting an oily sheen. The skin is delicate, and the texture is full and solid. The cut surface is clean, displaying a clear chrysanthemum-like texture. The taste of American Ginseng is sweet and bitter, with a soothing effect on the throat, and the entire plant is hairless. The root is fleshy and spindle-shaped, sometimes divergent. The rhizome is short. The stem is cylindrical, about 3 to 12 centimeters long, with longitudinal stripes or slightly angular.

Explore the Benefits of Ginseng Roots | Cooking Tips | Precautions

The reason for the founding of Kontea is to raise awareness among Malaysians about herbal teas and to correct the habit of indiscriminate consumption. At Kontea, our goal is to recommend herbal teas that are more suitable for your specific symptoms and constitution. All the herbal teas we provide are personally prepared and brewed to ensure their effectiveness and freshness. In addition to traditional herbal teas, we also offer other options, including herbal tea bags and herbal pastes, allowing you to find what’s most suitable for you.

Ginseng Root vs American Ginseng Root

As is well known, both ginseng and American ginseng have excellent effects on enhancing physical fitness. Although American ginseng and ginseng belong to the same family and genus, both being perennial herbaceous plants of the Araliaceae family, they have differences in morphological characteristics and therapeutic effects.

Depending on the different processing methods of ginseng, there is a distinction between white ginseng and red ginseng. The main function is to replenish vital energy, invigorate the spleen, calm the mind, and enhance intelligence. Ginseng has a sweet, slightly bitter, and slightly warm taste. It is used to treat symptoms such as Qi deficiency, weak spleen, deficient lung Qi, fluid damage leading to thirst, unsettled mind, insomnia with vivid dreams, palpitations, forgetfulness, Qi deficiency, and impotence. However, it is not suitable for those with liver Yang excess or conditions of damp-heat, such as hypertension. Regular consumption in small amounts can have preventive health effects.

American ginseng has a taste that is bitter, sweet, and cool. Its main effects include nourishing the lungs, reducing fire, and generating fluids. It is generally used to treat conditions of Yin deficiency with excessive fire, cough with phlegm and blood, dual damage of heat and Qi in febrile diseases, fatigue and thirst, insufficient body fluids, dry mouth, and constipation with intestinal heat. However, it is not suitable for conditions of external pathogenic factors or unresolved damp-heat, as well as cases of deficiency-cold.

According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, American ginseng nourishes and reduces fire, while Ginseng boosts Qi and aids fire. Their effects are opposite. For individuals with Yin deficiency and excessive fire, especially those with a prolonged cough, the use of true American ginseng can help balance Qi and suppress fire, gradually alleviating the cough. However, if fake American ginseng is used, symptoms such as red face and tongue, dry cough, and phlegm with blood may occur. Therefore, careful consideration should be given when choosing between different types of ginseng.

Benefits of American Ginseng Root

American ginseng root, with its rich medicinal value, is widely used in the field of traditional Chinese medicine for health maintenance. Its main benefits include nourishing Yin and reducing fire, replenishing Qi and generating fluids. It has the functions of clearing heat, lowering blood pressure, and eliminating fatigue, making it particularly suitable for clearing liver fire and reducing deficiency heat. It is recommended for those who stay up late, experience headaches, or exhibit irritability. However, its advantages are not limited to these; they also include the following aspects:

  1. Enhancing the Central Nervous System Function:
    The saponins in American ginseng can effectively enhance the central nervous system, providing benefits such as calming the mind, eliminating fatigue, and enhancing memory. It is suitable for symptoms like insomnia, restlessness, declining memory, and age-related cognitive decline.
  2. Protecting the Cardiovascular System:
    Regular consumption of American ginseng can resist arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, oxidative stress on the heart, and strengthen myocardial contraction ability. Individuals with symptoms of Qi and Yin deficiency, palpitations, and shortness of breath in coronary heart disease can benefit from long-term use of American ginseng. Additionally, American ginseng's efficacy includes regulating blood pressure, effectively reducing both temporary and persistent blood pressure, aiding in the recovery of diseases such as hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, and cerebral thrombosis.
  3. Boosting Immunity:
    As the preferred medicinal herb for supplementing Qi and health maintenance, American ginseng can promote the synthesis of serum proteins, bone marrow proteins, and organ proteins, thereby enhancing the body's immune system and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. It is effective in resisting cancer.
  4. Promoting Blood Circulation:
    Long-term use of American ginseng can reduce blood coagulability, inhibit platelet aggregation, resist atherosclerosis, and promote the growth of red blood cells, increasing hemoglobin.
  5. Treating Diabetes:
    American ginseng can lower blood sugar, regulate insulin secretion, and promote glucose and fat metabolism. It has a certain auxiliary effect in the treatment of diabetes.
  6. Regulating Adrenaline Secretion in the Liver:
    Moderate consumption of American ginseng root can promote metabolism, enhance physical strength, and be greatly beneficial for athletes.

Ways to Consume American Ginseng Root


  1. Decoction Method:
    Take 3 grams, put it in a clay pot, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Take it on an empty stomach before breakfast.
  2. Stewing Method:
    Take 2-5 grams daily, put it in a porcelain bowl, soak it in an appropriate amount of water for 3-5 hours. Cover the bowl and place it in a pot, steam it over water for 20-30 minutes. Consume half an hour before breakfast.
  3. Steaming Method:
    Dry ginseng root with low heat, grind it into fine powder. Take 5 grams each time, mix it with one egg, steam until cooked, and then consume.
  4. Brewing Method:
    Roast ginseng root with low heat, grind it into fine powder. Take 5 grams each time, place it in a cup, add a small amount of honey. Pour in hot water, cover, and wait for 5 minutes. Can be consumed in several doses, preferably on an empty stomach.
  5. With Jujube Method:
    Take 20 grams of ginseng root, 5 jujubes, add an appropriate amount of water. Stew them together to make a ginseng jujube soup. Take it on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.
  6. Chicken Stewing Method:
    Clean a mature chicken, remove the internal organs, and wash it. Take 50 grams of ginseng root, put it into the chicken's stomach, sew up the stomach with a thread. Submerge the chicken in water without adding salt, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat until the chicken is tender. Consume a small bowl of chicken and soup daily.

Precautions When Taking American Ginseng

Although American Ginseng Root has rich medicinal value, some precautions need to be observed during its use to ensure safe and effective consumption. Here are some considerations and avoidances when taking American Ginseng:
  1. Avoid Consuming with Radishes:
    American ginseng is a warm-tonifying ingredient, while white radishes have cooling and detoxifying effects. The contrasting nature of these two foods may create contradictory effects when consumed together. This can not only affect nutrient absorption but also lead to antagonistic reactions, causing allergic responses, or even toxicity. It is advisable to avoid consuming American Ginseng and white radishes simultaneously in meals.
  2. Avoid Concurrent Intake with Strong Tea:
    While taking American Ginseng, it is advisable to avoid consuming strong tea simultaneously. Tea leaves contain a high level of tannic acid, which may interfere with the effective components of American Ginseng. It is recommended to wait for 2-3 days after taking American Ginseng before consuming tea to avoid affecting its efficacy. Similarly, it is preferable to refrain from drinking coffee, as its components may also impact the effects of American Ginseng.
  3. Watch for Adverse Reactions:
    Some individuals may experience adverse reactions after taking American Ginseng, such as decreased body temperature, chills, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. There are also reports of delayed menstrual periods and increased menstrual pain. During use, close attention should be paid to individual physical conditions. In case of any abnormal reactions, it is recommended to promptly discontinue use and seek advice from a medical professional.

Recommendation: Kontea Best American Ginseng Root Product

At Kang Won Herbalist, we offer a variety of products for you to choose from, allowing you to select the most suitable American ginseng root product based on your individual health status, symptoms, and preferences:
Decoction Pack (Convenience)

Ginseng Root Tea Pack

Effects:Ginseng root, on the other hand, is good for nourishment and the invigoration of Qi, also able to eliminate body heat and fatigue.
Suitable for: Staying up late, headaches, hot tempers.
Cooking Steps:With each packet, add 1L of water. Boil it for 5 minutes and turn down the flame to simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, or you may soak it in hot water for 30 minutes.

Throat-Clearing Tea

Effects: Ginseng root is good for nourishment and the invigoration of Qi. Chinese olive can relieve sore throat and thirst; Licorice with Platycodon can soothe the throat and the lungs. Ophiopogon with Scrophulariaceae can relieve the throat by clearing away heat and nourishing Yin, and also help to relieve constipation.
Suitable for: People who have a sore and dry throat, hoarseness and dry stool.
Cooking Steps:With each packet, add 1L of water. Boil it for 5 minutes and turn down the flame to simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, or you may soak it in hot water for 30 minutes.

Herbal Soup (Nourishing)

Ginseng Root Soup [Easy Pack]

Effects: Ginseng root has cooling properties and promotes the secretion of body fluid. Combined with mondo grass, which nourishes the lungs and relieves coughing and phlegm, as well as heat-relieving chrysanthemum, this soup is the ultimate heat-soothing medicinal food.
Suitable for:People suffering from the heat. It can also soothe the core throat, pain and swelling in the head, as well as dryness in the mouth.

Ginseng Root Soup [Ready to Eat]

Effects: Ginseng root has cooling properties and promotes the secretion of body fluid. Combined with mondo grass, which nourishes the lungs and relieves coughing and phlegm, as well as heat-relieving chrysanthemum, this soup is the ultimate heat-soothing medicinal food.
Suitable for: People suffering from heat. It can also soothe core throat, pain and swelling in the head, as well as dryness in the mouth.

Bottled Herbal Tea (Grab & Go)
Kontea 菊花洋参须 Chrysanthemum Ginseng Herbal Tea

Chrysanthemum Ginseng Root Herbal Tea

Effects: Chrysanthemum is used in many herbal flower teas due to its affordability and wide range of uses. Ginseng root, on the other hand, is good for nourishment and the invigoration of Qi. A combination of the two is able to eliminate body heat and fatigue.
Suitable for: Staying up late, headaches, hot tempers.

When using any traditional Chinese herbs or health supplements, it is advisable to do so under the guidance of a professional doctor or Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to ensure safety and suitability for individual circumstances. For individuals who experience allergic reactions to American Ginseng, you need to stop intake immediately, and medical advice sought promptly.

Welcome to inquire about herbal paste at Kontea OUG or Bangsar. Our Kontea physicians can tailor advice based on your specific symptoms, allowing us to better understand your situation and recommend suitable treatment plans or herbal paste formulas based on your body condition and symptoms.

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Consuming the right herbal tea will help relieve your body discomfort with added health benefits.