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Understand Menopause Symptoms and How Early Prevention Helps with TCM

March 8th is International Women's Day, Kang Won TCM practitioners would love to extend their warm wishes and care with a special sharing on women's health. Now, let's delve into the topic of menopause, an important stage in a woman's life journey.

For every woman, menopause marks the onset of a significant physiological transition. It signifies the end of reproductive capability, typically indicated by the cessation of menstruation. Menopause is a natural physiological process, but for some women, it can be a challenging period, requiring adaptation to changes in both the body and mind.

While menopause is a normal physiological change, some women may struggle to adapt to this transitional phase due to differences in constitution or the impact of their living environment. This imbalance in hormone levels can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, insomnia, irritability, emotional instability, menstrual irregularities, facial and lower limb swelling, and more. These symptoms are collectively referred to as menopausal syndrome or perimenopausal syndrome. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 54, and statistics show that about 25% of women experience severe menopausal symptoms, requiring medical intervention.

Understand Menopause Symptoms and How Early Prevention Helps with TCM

At Kang Won Herbalist, our philosophy, as upheld by Mr. L, is to internally adjust while taking the pulse and listen to the body's signals, enabling us to understand the messages your body is sending us. Through this approach, we not only listen to the body's signals, but we can also assist you in addressing health issues and psychological conditions, providing a more precise diagnosis and tailored treatment plan for you.
Our traditional Chinese medicine practitioners possess extensive professional knowledge and experience, specializing in complex cases of cough, skin eczema, dizziness, gastric problems, and infertility. They can accurately diagnose patients' symptoms and the root causes of their illnesses, creating personalized traditional Chinese medicine treatment plans. These may include herbal therapies, acupuncture, dietary recommendations, and comprehensive adjustments, all designed to alleviate symptoms, promote recovery, and enhance quality of life.

Menopausal Symptoms

Hormonal changes associated with menopause can affect physical, emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Symptoms experienced during perimenopause and afterwards vary from person to person. While some individuals may have minimal symptoms, others may experience severe symptoms that impact daily activities and quality of life which could last for several years. Therefore, it is advisable for everyone to understand the various symptoms that menopause may bring and how to deal with them.
  1. Menstrual Irregularities: Menstrual cycles become irregular, with varying amounts of blood flow, eventually leading to complete cessation of menstruation.
  2. Hot Flashes and Sweating: Sudden waves of heat rising from the chest and back to the face, accompanied by flushing and sweating, lasting for several minutes each time. Mild cases may occur once every few days, while severe cases can happen more than 10 times a day.
  3. Palpitations: Sensation of unsettled heartbeat, often accompanied by chest tightness and dizziness.
  4. Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep, frequent dreams and waking, early awakening, or even inability to sleep throughout the night.
  5. Mood Swings: Emotional instability, ranging from irritability, restlessness, and anger to feelings of sadness and crying easily.
  6. Vaginal Dryness: Decreased vaginal secretions lead to thinning and lack of elasticity of vaginal tissues, resulting in dryness, burning sensation, itching, and pain during intercourse.
  7. Osteoporosis: Decreased secretion of female hormones accelerates calcium loss, leading to bone density reduction and fragility.
  8. Other Symptoms: Fatigue, hair loss, muscle and joint pain, frequent urination, difficulty concentrating, and more.

Menopausal Syndrome

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), menopausal syndrome can be classified into the following six common TCM patterns:
  1. Perimenopausal Disorders with Syndrome of Kidney Yin Deficiency:Symptoms include hot flashes, sweating, dizziness, tinnitus, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees, heat sensation in the palms and soles, and constipation. Tongue: Red with a light coating. Pulse: Thready and Rapid.
  2. Perimenopausal Disorders with Syndrome of Kidney deficiency and liver stagnation syndrome:Symptoms include hot flashes, sweating, soreness and pain in the lower back, irritability, breast distention and pain, depression, chest stuffiness, sighing, restless sleep, and occasional loose stools. Tongue: Red with a thin white or yellow coating. Pulse: Deep and Wiry or Thready and Wiry.
  3. Perimenopausal Disorders with Syndrome of Incoordination between heart and kidney:Symptoms include hot flashes, sweating, restlessness, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees, insomnia with vivid dreams, palpitations, and easy startle. Tongue: Red with little coating. Pulse: Thready and/or Rapid.
  4. Perimenopausal Disorders with Syndrome of Yin Deficiency of Liver and kidney:Symptoms include hot flashes, sweating, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees, dizziness, dry eyes, irritability, heat sensation in the palms and soles, insomnia, forgetfulness, dry or burning sensation in the genital area, painful intercourse, or urinary incontinence. Tongue: Red with little coating. Pulse: Thready and Rapid.
  5. Perimenopausal Disorders with Syndrome of Kidney Yang Deficiency:Symptoms include aversion to cold, cold limbs, dull complexion, decreased libido, frequent clear urination, nocturia, and loose stools. Tongue: Pale tongue or tongue with tooth marks on the edges, thin white coating. Pulse: Deep and Thready.
  6. Perimenopausal Disorders with Syndrome of Both Kidney Yin and Yang Deficiency Pattern:Symptoms include hot flashes and sweating alternating with chills, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees, forgetfulness, dizziness, pale red tongue, and thin white coating. Pulse: Deep and Thready.

Preventive Care Measures

Throughout Chinese history, the concept of "prevention is better than cure" has been the essence of traditional Chinese medicine theory. Therefore, Kang Won TCM practitioner advocates for you to start prevention as early as possible. Before menopausal symptoms occur, it is essential to do everything possible to enhance one's physical fitness and take preventive measures. Here are some preventive care measures that everyone can pay attention to in their daily lives:
  1. Focus on Nourishing Blood and Eliminating Pathogens:
    Women undergo varying degrees of blood loss during menstruation, and those in menopause may experience symptoms such as excessive menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstruation, or irregular bleeding, leading to increased blood loss and Qi deficiency, exacerbating organ function weakness. Therefore, women in this stage should focus on nourishing the blood.
  2. Guard Against Pathogenic Factors and Maintain Regular Living Habits:
    Many women's diseases occur during special periods due to exposure to pathogenic factors, especially wind, cold, and dampness. Women in menopause are prone to Qi and blood deficiency due to excessive menstrual blood loss. Moreover, due to the dual pressures of family and work, women are more likely to experience irregular living habits, insomnia, vivid dreams, and chaotic lifestyles, leading to weakened constitution and susceptibility to illness. Therefore, maintaining a regular lifestyle and balancing work and rest are essential.
  3. Nourish Body and Mind, Maintain a Balanced Mindset:
    Menopause is a natural physiological process that can last for several months or years, and experiencing some symptoms is unavoidable. There is no need to overly worry or burden oneself with unnecessary thoughts. Participating in activities such as Tai Chi, Baduanjin Qigong, hiking, swimming, etc., can enrich one's spiritual life, improve interpersonal relationships, maintain an optimistic attitude, and boost confidence, which can alleviate menopausal symptoms and even promote self-recovery.
  4. Dietary Adjustment and Disease Prevention:
    The key to regulating menopausal women lies in protecting the spleen and kidney, replenishing kidney Qi, and appropriate adjustment that can fundamentally prevent or treat physiological disorders.
  5. Use Prescribed Formulas for Nourishing and Beautifying:
    Due to the dual pressures of family and society, some middle-aged women experience premature ovarian function decline, leading to decreased endocrine, metabolic, and reproductive system functions. This condition is already considered a "disease" (sub-health state) in traditional Chinese medicine. To harmonize Yin and Yang and promote Qi and blood circulation, prescribed formulas are undoubtedly a better choice. By identifying individual constitutions and formulating tailored nursing plans, the purpose of enhancing physical fitness without illness and nursing body and mind when ill can be achieved.
  6. Regular Check-ups and Prevent Future Illnesses:
    Menopause is a stage prone to various diseases. Regular comprehensive physical examinations and gynaecological check-ups play a proactive role in disease prevention. If menstruation lasts for more than 10 days, excessive menstrual bleeding occurs, or postmenopausal vaginal bleeding and increased vaginal discharge occur, timely medical consultation and relevant examinations should be sought.
Although menopause may bring some discomfort, it is essential to recognize it as a natural physiological process and learn how to cope with this change. Timely medical consultation and appropriate medication can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Additionally, maintaining a positive attitude, focusing on nutrition and exercise, and maintaining communication and support with doctors and family are essential factors in navigating through menopause. Regardless of your menopausal experience, you are welcome to consult Kang Won TCM practitioners for assistance and advice because prioritizing health is the best investment you can make.

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Kontea 八珍膏 Eight Treasure Herbal Paste

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Suitable for: Sallow complexion, easily fatigued, chills, leucorrhoea (whitish or yellowish discharge), frequent farting, loss of appetite, dizziness caused by external factors, over-production of menstrual blood, frequent headaches. Also great for hand eczema, dry skin, constipation caused by blood deficiency, dry hair, and hair loss.

Kontea 伏湿膏 Moisture Eliminating Paste

Moisture-Eliminating Paste

Effects:Largehead atractylodes rhizomes are dry in nature, which helps the body to remove excessive dampness. Similarly, stewing fried atractylodes with raw barley and lotus seeds helps to dry the body, reduce swelling, and increase metabolism, helping the body to burn excess fat.
Suitable for: People with oily skin and scalp; people who gain weight easily; heavy body odour; people with excessive discharge; people with yellow skin; white tongue; frequent diarrhea; and sticky stool.

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Skin Soothing Paste

Effects: Nourish blood and replenish qi, dispel wind and relieve itching to repair allergic skin, promote healthy and radiant skin.
Suitable for: People with chronic eczema, peeling and itching dry skin.


Menopause is not a health condition, so it is not a disease. Menopause is actually a natural stage of life. Women are born with ovaries that produce eggs and hormones like estrogen and progesterone that control the menstrual cycle. When the ovaries stop releasing eggs and hormones, it marks the beginning of menopause. However, if the ovaries are surgically removed or damaged due to exposure to chemotherapy, menopause may occur prematurely. This is also known as premature menopause.
If there are no discomforting symptoms during this period, or if the symptoms are mild and do not affect daily life, treatment is not necessary. Simply maintaining good lifestyle habits and keeping a positive mood is sufficient. However, if any discomfort or symptoms arise, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.
Most women experience menopausal symptoms between the ages of 45 and 55.
The experience of menopause is unique and individualized for each woman. For most people, menopausal symptoms gradually diminish or disappear after 1 to 3 years. However, some women may experience symptoms for a longer period, lasting from 5 to 10 years, or even feel discomfort after many years of menopause. If you experience significant discomfort during menopause, it is advisable to seek advice from Kang Won TCM practitioners.

Please feel free to consult our TCM Practitioners or our staff either at our shop (OUG branch or Bangsar branch) or explore more about Kontea's quality products. Our TCM Practioner and staff can tailor treatment plans and product recommendations based on your specific symptoms and health condition.

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