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T27 Wind Relief Tea


Basil leaf, mint, Japanese catnip, Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root⋯


Wind Relief Tea is capable of eliminating heat, improves the digestive system, and helps with cough and headaches from excessive heat, joint pain and more. Basil leaf is commonly used in treatments for common colds and bloated stomach, while Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root is a stronger herb for pain relief.

Suitable For

Cold, runny nose, sore and painful joints, fever, and those who are afraid of the cold.


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T27 Wind Relief Tea


Recommendation: Drink while the tea is hot. Those who caught a cold should avoid windy places and allow the body to sweat.

Enjoy FREE Shipping when you purchase: WM - RM200 and above | EM&SG - RM400 and above

  • Product Price: RM18.00
  • Total Price: RM0.00

T27 Wind Relief Tea


Recommendation: Drink while the tea is hot. Those who caught a cold should avoid windy places and allow the body to sweat.

Enjoy FREE Shipping when you purchase RM200 and above. Code: FREESHIPPING

  • Product Price: RM18.00
  • Total Price: RM0.00


Basil leaf, mint, Japanese catnip, Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root⋯


Wind Relief Tea is capable of eliminating heat, improves the digestive system, and helps with cough and headaches from excessive heat, joint pain and more. Basil leaf is commonly used in treatments for common colds and bloated stomach, while Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root is a stronger herb for pain relief.

Suitable For

Cold, runny nose, sore and painful joints, fever, and those who are afraid of the cold.


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